Audience Theory

Hyperdomic syringe theory

Hyperdomic syringe theory is about media which injects information towards the audience. This is influenced by the way we interperate media that is shown to us as we are under the influences of media. Gunther Kress discusses this theory says that the genre changes and new genres are developed this is linked to this theory because when we watch a music video for example we are infleunced by this. A critisim of this theory is that people believe that what the media says we act on this and we do it.

Two Step Flow

Was first introduced by Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet. Developed in 1940s, 20 years after the hypodermic syringe theory.
This theory asserts that information from the media moves in two distinct stages. First, individuals (opinion leaders) who pay close attention to the mass media and its messages receive the information. Opinion leaders pass on their own interpretations in addition to the actual media content.


Users In Gratification

This theory came in 1970′s by Elihu Katz, we all have various uses of media, whatever media we look at its not just for entertainment we can expect other uses of it .

Personality Identity
People can relate to soaps such as eastenders by relating themselevs with either the situation or a character in particular seeing what they would do within a situation.

Some people watch television just for entertainment purposes if they are bored or after a long day watch the TV.

Social Interaction
Boys would talk about a football match which they have seen therefore people watch certain programmes so they can socialise and discuss this with their group of friends.

People watch the news to find out information about whats currently happening within the world.
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